Turn on, tune in, retweet: How TV and the Internet melted into one world
April 29, 2013
Formerly the great media past time of America, television has stood rather idly by while the Internet gave it plenty to be worried about. Instead of standing around gossiping about Ally McBeal, we’re talking about Grumpy Cat. Instead of asking the four people in the office if they saw the hilarious flub on the nightly news, we’re watching and commenting as it goes viral on Reddit.
But instead of becoming obsolete, the formerly-cool, held-back high school senior who’s watching the new big man on campus claim his spot, television is very wisely adapting and integrating Internet culture into its broadcast plans. Because as we all know, the Internet waits for no one.
Read the whole article here: http://www.digitaltrends.com/social-media/turn-on-tune-in-retweet-how-tv-and-the-internet-melted-into-one-world/
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